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Trendy Palermo Viejo

This is the first polyglot blog about places & events of Palermo Viejo, the trendiest neighborhood of Buenos Aires. / Primer blog políglota sobre lugares y eventos de Palermo Viejo, el barrio más “trendy” de Buenos Aires. / Este é o primeiro blog poliglota sobre lugares e eventos de Palermo Viejo, o bairro mais “trendy” de Buenos Aires. / Premier blog polyglot sur boutiques, restaurants, hôtels et événements de Palermo Viejo, le quartier plus “trendy” de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Contest / Concurso from Argentina's Travel Guide

Dear readers, I haven’t been posting as often as I wish. I’ve been very busy with some new work projects which I hope to share with you pretty soon. In the meanwhile, Cesar, from Argentina’s Travel Guide, invited me to participate in a contest so here I am writing a short post to help him spread the word. You can also participate and win a big juicy steak! By the way, his blog offers a lot of information about the country in general, and you can read some interesting posts about Palermo such as "Buenos Aires Bars: Chronic Bar in Plaza Serrano". Happy Easter!
Queridos lectores, no he podido escribir tan seguido como hubiese querido. Estuve muy ocupada con un par de proyectos nuevos de trabajo, que espero poder compartir con Uds. en breve. Mientras tanto, Cesar, de Argentina’s Travel Guide me invitó a participar de un concurso y aquí estoy escribiendo un breve post para ayudarlo a difundirlo. Ustedes también pueden participar y ganar un bife bien jugoso en un restaurant argentino. Aprovecho para mencionar que su blog tiene mucha información interesante, sobre el país en general y sobre Palermo, como por ejemplo, el post sobre el bar Crónico en Plaza Serrano.
Felices Páscuas!
Queridos leitores, estive sem tempo para escrever últimamente devido à novos projetos de trabalho que espero poder compartilhar com vocês em breve. Mas hoje recebi um convite do Cesar, de Argentina’s Travel Guide, para participar num concurso e aqui estou escrevendo rapidinho para convidá-los a participar também e ganhar um gostoso bife num restaurante argentino. Aproveito para lhes contar que o seu blog tem muita informação sobre o país e Palermo, como por exemplo, o post sobre o bar Crónico, na Plaza Serrano.
Feliz Páscoa!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prefiero la carne cocida, no me gusta jugosa. De todas formas me voy a dar una vuelta por ahí para ver de qué se trata.

10:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations Dalila! Your entry won the Runner Up prize for originality, after all, it was in three languages :)

This awesome prize consists of a postcard from yours truly, so all I need to know is where to send it.

The entry announcing the winners is up here -

8:06 PM  
Blogger Tarun said...

Could we have the links as to what u r writing?

10:40 AM  
Blogger Nancy (aka Dalila) said...

Hi Tarun. That was it! That was the post about the contest. And I won for originality because of the three languages :)
Thanks again, Cesar!

8:14 PM  

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