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Trendy Palermo Viejo

This is the first polyglot blog about places & events of Palermo Viejo, the trendiest neighborhood of Buenos Aires. / Primer blog políglota sobre lugares y eventos de Palermo Viejo, el barrio más “trendy” de Buenos Aires. / Este é o primeiro blog poliglota sobre lugares e eventos de Palermo Viejo, o bairro mais “trendy” de Buenos Aires. / Premier blog polyglot sur boutiques, restaurants, hôtels et événements de Palermo Viejo, le quartier plus “trendy” de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Arrivals and departures / Llegadas y partidas / Chegadas e partidas / Arrivées et départs

There are so many shops constantly opening and going out of business in Palermo Viejo that it is hard to keep track of all the changes. Twice a year, local maps are published with updates, but even then, only the shops, restaurants, etc. that advertise there are listed. Some shops are going out of business because some people think that they’ll become millionaire overnight just because they opened a place in Palermo Viejo. Some stores have to close their doors because owners of properties and real state agencies increase the value of rentals, sometimes without even respecting the terms stipulated on a contract. Anyway, the better way of being updated is walking the streets once and again and again and again. Fortunately, there is always something new to discover. By the way, Como agua para chocolate is a new Mexican restaurant in the Hollywood side of PV (I haven't eaten there yet) and Universo Garden Angels, Babel and Boating are gone.

Hay tantas tiendas abriendo y cerrando constantemente en Palermo Viejo, que resulta difícil hacer un seguimiento de todos los cambios. Dos veces al año, mapas del barrio son publicados con las actualizaciones, pero incluso entonces, sólo las tiendas, restaurantes, etc. que anuncian allí son las enumeradas. Algunas marcas cierran porque hay gente que cree que va a convertirse en millonario de la noche a la mañana sólo porque abrió un local en Palermo Viejo. Algunas tiendas tienen que cerrar sus puertas porque los dueños de propiedades o inmobiliarias aumentan los valores de los alquileres, a veces incluso sin respetar las condiciones estipuladas en un contrato. De todos modos, la mejor manera de estar actualizado es caminar por las calles del barrio una y otra vez, y una y otra vez. Por suerte, siempre hay algo nuevo para descubrir. Por cierto, hay un nuevo restaurante de cocina mexicana, en el lado Hollywood de Palermo, Como agua para chocolate (aún no lo probé). Y Universo Garden Angels, Babel y Boating cerraron.

Há tantas lojas abrindo e fechando constantemente em Palermo Viejo que é difícil se manter informado de todas as mudanças. Duas vezes por ano, mapas locais são publicados com atualizações, mas mesmo assim, somente as grafas, restaurantes, etc. que anunciam ali aparecem no listado. Algumas lojas fecham porque algumas pessoas pensam que vão se tornar milionários da noite pro dia só porque eles abriram uma boutique em Palermo Viejo. Algumas lojas têm que fechar suas portas porque os donos das propriedades aumentam o valor dos aluguéis, às vezes sem sequer respeitando os termos estipulados em um contrato. De qualquer forma, a melhor maneira de estar atualizado é caminhar pelas ruas do bairro uma e outra vez. Felizmente, sempre há alguma novidade para descobrir. Aliás, há um novo restaurante de comida mexicana, no lado Hollywood de Palermo, Como agua para chocolate (ainda não experimentei). Universo Garden Angels, Babel e Boating fecharam.

Il y a tellement de nouvelles boutiques et des établissements qui ferment leurs portes à Palerme Viejo qu'il est difficile de garder une trace de tous les changements. Deux fois par an, les cartes locaux sont publiées avec des mises à jour, mais même alors, seulement les magasins, restaurants, etc. qui payent de la publicité y sont énumérés. Certains commerces sont sortis de l'entreprise car certaines personnes pensent qu'ils vont devenir millionnaire au lendemain simplement parce que ils ont ouvert un lieu à Palerme Viejo. Certains magasins doivent fermer leurs portes parce que les propriétaires de biens immobiliers augmentent la valeur des loyers, parfois sans même respecter les conditions prévues au titre d'un contrat. Quoi qu'il en soit, la meilleure façon d'être actualisé est marcher les rues du quartier une et autre fois. Heureusement, il y a toujours des choses à découvrir. Par example, il y a un nouveau restaurant mexicain dans le côté Hollywood de Palermo, Como agua para chocolate (je ne suis pas y allée encore). Les magasins Universo Garden Angels, Babel et Boating sont fermés.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the Blog. I have a trilingual blog myself, but I'm not nearly as vigilant as you are with rotating languages. I write in whatever language I feel like writing in at that moment. I wish my japanese was better, I could make it a 4-language the way you do. Keep writing, check out my blog sometime if you get a chance.

5:03 AM  
Blogger marilyn said...

This message is for Nancy Kulfas. I have the calendar of Montevido, Uruguay that has the pictures that you shot, but was wondering if I can find out what each was is of since it's not listed under the photo. I gave the calendar to my friend (who is from Uruguay & loves it), but he didn't recognize some of the photos. I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Nancy (aka Dalila) said...

Hi Marilyn, thanks for getting the calendar! I'm glad your friend liked it! Below is the info so you can pass it to him. Cheers!
Cover: Escollera Sarandí port).
Jan: Puerto de Buceos
Feb: Plaza Independencia
Mar: Punta Gorda.
April: corner of Misiones St. & 25 de Mayo St. (financial district). This is probably the only façade in the continent with green and cream majolicas, probably brought from England, and built following the style of Manchester’s pubs.
May: This mural by Uruguayan artist Carlos Páez Vilaró is located on Policía Vieja alley, next to Sarandí St., in the Old Town of Montevideo. It was dedicated to the Uruguayan singer Lágrima Ríos.
June: Río de la Plata view from Punta Carretas.
July: Teatro Solís, located on Reconquista and Bartolomé Mitre Sts.
Aug: Pocitos
Sept: Gopmensoro Square, Pocitos.
Oct: Playa Honda.
Nov: Pocitos
Dec: Downtown view from Punta Carretas.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Nancy (aka Dalila) said...

By the way, I forgot to mention that there is a new Buenos Aires wall calendar available on my Cafepress store. Hope you like it!
Come visit my store on CafePress!

10:31 AM  

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